Site Updates

Older daily updates including COVID-19 related updates will be moved to this page to keep the front page up to date.

7/24/2022 – We have restarted updating the Church’s website with upcoming services along with the continual archiving of Church Service videos, Order of Services, and Announcements.

4/12/2020 – Update #2 – With the City of Fresno’s Shelter in Place Emergency Order still in effect through 11:59pm, May 6, 2020 , please continue to our Website and at our Facebook page for Announcements, Bulletins, and Sunday Services.

4/12/2020 – Please join for our Easter Sunday Service at 9:00am. The Hmong Service will be at 12:00 Noon.

The Facebook Live link, the Easter Sunday Order of Service and our Announcements are posted below.

4/4/2020 — Please join us on Facebook Live tomorrow, April 5, 2020 at 9:00am for our Palm Sunday Service. The Order of Service and Announcements are posted below.

3/31/2020 — Please join us on Facebook live tomorrow, April 1, 2020 at 7:00pm for our final Lenten Service. We will have the Order of Service posted here and on Facebook either later today or tomorrow morning. The Church Council and Elders will have a conference call this evening to discuss Palm Sunday and Easter Week Services. More news to follow late this evening or tomorrow morning.

3/28/2020 – We have updated our Young Adults and Children’s Ministry pages on the website.  Take a look and see what they are doing.

3/27/2020 – Update — Please join us on Facebook Live for our 9:00am and 12 Noon Services.  The 9:00am Order of Service and Announcements have been uploaded to our website and are shown below.  If you would like to get the Announcements pages with our Prayer List, please contact the Church Office to be added to our Church’s email list.

3/23/2020 – Update — Last evening, during the Church Council’s call with Pastor and the Elders, it was decided that we are going to hold our Wednesday Lenten Services.  Please join us at the Facebook link below this Wednesday as we continue our Lenten journey at the Crossroads with a dialogue with Simon Peter, who denied Jesus Christ three times, just as the Lord predicted. So visit our live-stream Facebook at 7:00 pm to stay connected with each other and with The Word! (Matthew 26:69-75)

3/22/2020 – Update — Welcome to the updated Peace Lutheran Website.  We will continue to provide announcements and information concerning Peace thoughout this COVID-19 Event.  Remember to shelter in place and keep an eye on this page, our Facebook pages, and emails.  We will be moving some of the older information from the front page of this website to a COVID-19 page in the next couple of days plus updating our other pages.

3/20/2020 – UPDATE — Below you will find the Order of Service for the 9:00am service.  Feel free to print it out or follow along while Pastor Wenholz performs the Liturgy.  We are trying to get the Announcements downloaded to the website too.  More content will be added to this page over the next few weeks while we deal with the COVID-19 emergency.

3/19/2020 – UPDATE #2 — The Church Council and the Elders will be meeting via a conference call on Sunday Evening to discuss further directions.

3/18/2020 – UPDATE— With the City of Fresno declaring a state of emergency to “shelter in place,” Peace has suspended all church services through Wednesday, April 1.